Tips For Tube Shipping Posters And Other Large Paper Goods

If your company sells artwork, posters, or other large paper products, then you'll need shipping tubes to mail them safely. Shipping tubes protect documents and artwork. They're used to safeguard blueprints, legal documents, and a variety of other valuable paper items. However, they are inexpensive to buy and mail, so they are also perfect for shipping posters and other inexpensive but large paper goods. Here are a few tips for tube shipping your products.

Buy Large Tubes

Buy tubes that are longer than the poster and wide enough that you don't have to wind the poster tightly. The purpose of using tubes rather than envelopes is that the poster won't be creased or damaged in the mail. A larger tube keeps the ends from being smashed and wrinkled. A loose roll is better than a tight roll for mailing posters, so choose the right size tubes for all your mailings as different products require different size tubes.

Consider Colorful Tubes

You can buy different kinds of tubes. Some are plain brown and others are plain white. You can also buy mailing tubes stamped by the post office or you can buy them in bulk from a vendor that sells the tubes in various colors such as yellow or red. Colorful tubes might help with branding your company if the color matches your company logo. Color draws attention to the tube so it can act as an advertisement as it goes through the mail system. A bright color might even prevent your tube from being lost if it rolls off a mover at the post office.

Add The Address Properly

A shipping tube should be addressed just like a letter or box. The address should be written across the tube lengthwise in the center of the tube. You can use a marker or print the address out on a label. Be sure to include a return address as well. You may want to cover the address or label with clear packing tape to make sure it stays legible until it's delivered. You can also use clear packing tape to seal up the caps on the end so they don't pop off accidentally.

Apply The Right Postage

One good thing about mailing out posters is the price is always the same so you can buy postage in bulk or have it stamped on. If you affix stamps, place them to the right of the address like you do with a letter. If you're mailing a tube of an unknown weight, be sure to weigh it first so you have the right amount of postage. You can choose to send your mail through the post office via first class mail, media mail, or priority mail. You could also send your tubes through a package delivery service. Balance the cost of postage against the speed of delivery so your customers get their orders in a timely manner and stay happy.

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Choosing The Right Business To Undertake

Do you remember last time you started thinking about what you would do for your business if you had a choice? I began carefully pondering my choices a few years ago, and it was really interesting to me to see how much of a difference it made. I wanted to start a new website that centered around the art of making things better in your life, so I made this blog. Check out these posts to learn all kinds of things about starting a business, making things better, and creating the kind of life you want to live each and every day.



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