Brand It! Packaging Design Ideas That Stick In Digital Ads

If you're selling products online, packaging is your most influential marketing tool. On the strength of your visual message, an online shopper will decide whether or not to click on your product. To differentiate your brand, your packaging needs to have high visual impact while reinforcing your brand identity.

You can accomplish these marketing goals by placing well-designed custom circle stickers on bottles, cans, bags, and other packaging. Packaging does not have to be complicated or expensive, but the messaging and design need to be right on target. 

Start With a Minimalist Design

Minimalist designs are popular for brand packaging because they encompass all the features of good design principles by:

  • using lots of white space 
  • employing modular design elements 
  • letting key messages dominate 

Whether you're selling coffee beans or smartphone cases, a cleanly designed custom sticker label is all you need to brand it. Though your square or circle stickers do not need to be 100 percent true to minimalism. By starting with a minimalist design, you can avoid a busy, confusing brand message.

Make It Modular 

A round product label is only confined by your imagination. You can pack powerful brand messaging into that small space with the right design elements. Think of each element of your design as a separate building block. The basic building blocks are your logo, product name, and message. 

Here are some examples of ways to make these elements stand out on custom label stickers:

  •  Use different shapes and colors. The label differences may be subtle—purple and light mauve, for example. 
  • Employ high contrast shapes. Mix rectangular and circle shapes on a circular sticker to make design elements stand out. 
  • Set design elements against stark white or vibrant colored—silver or neon green—backgrounds. The shopper is more likely to engage with each element. 

Modular print is equally important to ensuring key messages are not lost. Mix up the typography with different types, sizes, and colors of fonts. More than two or three different fonts, though, will start to look messy.  

While designing your brand's custom stickers, you will need to walk a fine line to differentiate your brand. Of course, you will want to capitalize on the visual design elements that are identified with your market. Green products, for example, like to create that recycled, reusable look. At the same time, your packaging design needs to be original and differentiate your product from those of competitors. 

About Me

Choosing The Right Business To Undertake

Do you remember last time you started thinking about what you would do for your business if you had a choice? I began carefully pondering my choices a few years ago, and it was really interesting to me to see how much of a difference it made. I wanted to start a new website that centered around the art of making things better in your life, so I made this blog. Check out these posts to learn all kinds of things about starting a business, making things better, and creating the kind of life you want to live each and every day.



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