Deck Design Considerations, Construction Materials, And Waterproofing Agents

The slope of a deck, the porosity of the decking materials, and waterproofing agents should be initially assessed prior to the installation of a deck. Proper construction and drainage methods that are paired with the use of waterproofing agents will maximize the amount of time that a deck will remain structurally sound.

The Slope

Deck waterproofing agents are typically applied to a deck that has been constructed in its entirety. Some contractors may recommend that a new deck be built with a slight slope. The slope will be gradual and may not be visually noticeable. The slope will assist with moving excess rainwater along the surface of a deck.

Rainwater will be transported along the length of a sloped deck. A drainage system will be used to prevent pooling groundwater. If a deck's structure were to lack a sloped design, puddles would form on the surface of the decking materials.

Although waterproofing agents would initially prevent moisture from penetrating the decking materials, prolonged moisture exposure could eventually compromise the effectiveness of the waterproofing agents. Moisture buildup could result in water entering joints and rotting the wood or composite materials that make up the underside of a deck.

The Construction

Hard and softwood varieties, composite boards, vinyl planking, and tiles are often used to construct residential decks. Your contractor will provide you with details about the porosity of each decking material that is of interest to you and will recommend some waterproofing agents that will preserve the condition of each structural material.

The aesthetics of your deck may be important to you, especially if you will be using the deck as an outside sitting area and plan on spending a lot of time on it. Some decking materials may be more prone to scratches and stains than others. If you are going to be moving furniture around or if a lot of weight will be placed on the deck, let your contractor know.

Your contractor will suggest the use of decking material and a waterproofing agent that will both be able to withstand the amount of stress that is applied to the decking materials. Your contractor may use a sprayer or brushes to apply a clear waterproofing product.

Decking boards, railings, side decking pieces, and underside components may be treated with a waterproofing agent. The agent will provide protection year-round. If you live in a relatively humid climate or a region where it rains a lot, you may need to occasionally have your deck retreated with a waterproofing product.

Contact a local deck waterproofing service to learn more.

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